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Markings (Vintage Spiritual Classics)

Download Ebook Markings (Vintage Spiritual Classics)
Einer der sowie populäre Bücher beraten heute haben, ist die Markings (Vintage Spiritual Classics) Wenn Sie den Titel dieses Buches geben, überall, werden Sie es sicherlich bekommen als einer der führenden ausführliches Buch zu überprüfen. Auch bleibt es in den Buchhandlungen, Autoren oder in einigen Internet-Seiten. Doch wenn Sie auf das Buch scharf sind scharen, ist dies die ideale Zeit zu erhalten und auch herunterladen und installieren jetzt und hier mit Ihrem Netzverbindung.
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Das Buch kann so angeordnet sein, Inspirationen zu haben, die Dinge verändern kann, im Auge zu behalten. Eine davon ist, dass ein ausgezeichneter Autor bietet immer den inspirierenden Fluss, exzellente Lehre sowie exzellente Inhalte. Und was in Markings (Vintage Spiritual Classics) geben, ist mehr, als es. Sie können nur festlegen, wie dieses Buch erhalten und auch Ihre Bestimmung in Bezug auf dieses Thema relevant erfüllen. Dies ist das Mittel, wie dieses Buch Menschen beeinflussen wird es so sehr mögen. Nachdem die Faktoren zu finden, werden Sie sicherlich lieben immer mehr zu dieser Publikation und Schriftsteller.
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"Perhaps the greatest testament of personal devotion published in this century."—The New York Times "The conviction when one has finished [Markings is] that one has had the privilege of being in contact with a great, good, and lovable man."—W. H. Auden
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Dag Hammarskjold was born in Sweden in 1905 and died in Northern Rhodesia in a plane crash in 1961, while flying there to negotiate a cease-fire between United Nations and Katanga forces. Elected Secretary-General of the United Nations in 1953, serving until his death, he was known throughout the world as a peacemaker. He had studied law and economics, but was also widely read in philosophy and literature. His internal struggles remained a private matter between him and God until after his death, when this book of meditations was published, making him posthumously one of the twentieth century's most noted spiritual pilgrims.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 256 Seiten
Verlag: Vintage; Auflage: Translation (10. Oktober 2006)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0307277429
ISBN-13: 978-0307277428
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
13,2 x 1,7 x 20,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.5 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 107.244 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Book arrived very quickly. This is my all time favorite book. University business majors are introducef to Machiavelli for dirty tricks but for personal and corporate ethics they should be introduced to Markings. The writing is so thought provoking that I could barely read more than a few passages at a time. This is a timeless book that belongs on the library of any thoughtful human being. I have owned numerous copies of this book and keep scattering them like breadcrumbs to people that I know wpuld love it as I do.
I am glad to have a replacement copy of this book that I had lost in one of my many moves. Dag Hammarskjold was a remarkable world leader who was taken from us in a suspicious plane crash while he was trying to broker a peaceful solution to a horrible war in the Congo. ."Markings" is a beautiful stream of spiritual consciousness and insightful musings of a peacemaker who sometimes experienced the dark night of the soul.
This is an inspiring, moving, remarkable book written by a 20th century man who struggled with making his every day life fit with his spiritual beliefs.This summer I kept feeling that I should read this book again (first read it some 20 years ago). I had little memory of what it was about, just that I knew it was written by someone who was an important world leader. He was Secretary-General to the United Nations and died on the way to Northern Rhodesia in 1961, on his way to negotiate a cease fire between the UN and Katanga forces.This book tells almost nothing of his daily work, or of his thoughts about world events. Instead, it focuses on his struggle and changing relationship with God.Excerpts are from his diary, starting when he was a young man in 1925 and ending just a few months before his death at the (to me!) tender age of 57.A reviewer here made comments about this being thoughts of a socialist and athiest -- clearly he did not read the book. The writings inside this awe inspiring book are from a man deeply and directly talking to his God. His concerns are for others, not for himself.When I read the book, I realized some part of me must have remembered this deep connection with God, something I, too, have longed for and have found at times (when I am open to receive!) Dag Hammersjold had been filed in my subconscious as a mentor, a teacher I could return to when I could better understand what his words were expressing.This book is a wonder to experience -- what a privilege to have been allowed to come so close to his thoughts, his soul, his own experiential experience of the Divine. It is not intended to provoke thoughts and philosophical wonderings within the mind of the reader, but instead to offer a view of someone who is connecting their soul rather than their mind, with God. Dag Hammersjold was a mystic - not a new agey kind of a guy, but a Christian mystic of the 20th century (see Thomas Kelly's books, Thomas Merton's books, and others).His diary, unlike Kelly's writings, is not filled with the joy of his spiritual connection with God -- he struggled painfully with the awareness of his own human imperfections and shortcomings. I only hope that in his last moments, he came to realize more peace and to accept and experience, first hand, God's love for him.(The only downside to this book is that the printing is old - the cover was brand new but the words are fuzzy as if they were copied from a copy...)
Hammarskjold was a Swedish diplomat who served as secretary-general of the United Nations at the height of the Cold War (and whose death in a plane crash in Africa in 1961 may not have been an accident). Throughout his life he struggled with balancing the tension between the active life and the contemplative life that always faces the political intellectual. This book is his private journal, in which he struggles with a deeply personal and private faith in the context of a vocation that called him to one of the most visible and influential offices in international politics. That struggle, which emerges in bits and pieces in entries that span nearly four decades, both celebrates life and indulges deep feelings of doubt and isolation."Markings" is far more a work of philosophy than autobiography. Hammarskjold's frend W.H. Auden contributes a moving foreword that supplies a context for Hammarskjold's writing. But as the foreword notes, Hammarskjold does not "make a single direct reference to his career as an international civil servant, to the persons he met, or the historical events of his time in which he played an important role."
This is a book of mental depth not often found on a public bookshelf. Dag Hammarskjold kept his journal consistantly/regularly and then left written permission for it to be printed following his death. I found it to be, primarily, a "true profile" of the man, and then also an accurate historical document as I traced Hammarskjold's innermost thoughts connected to the history of the time. I believe this book has held our attention over so many years, because most humans on a spiritual quest can truely relate to his inner thoughts of relationship to God/ soul/ consciousness.It feels special to "know" such a good, thoughtful, God-loving and honest man; it feels wonderful, these days especially, to walk with him in his political functioning and realize how lucky we were to have had such a man in an important world government position.
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